Elon Musk Talks About Colonizing the Galaxy

Look, if you dont want to talk about then dont but dont deceive people, because both of these gents are fully aware that we are NOT alone here, we never were, in fact this planet does not belong to us, its not ours and truth be told, the focus of the whole Universe is as we speak on this planet and whats going on over here, and if they and there are many of them coming from many places all are interested to see what will happen to this very very special planet, not many of these around, if you wan to see unidentified objects all you need to do is to sail around the world and if you are lucky to tell about it you will see things, strange things, I personally have seen two Rods and some other things too, so I dont need these two gents telling people trying to convince people there is nothing but us here, its silly, I am confident soon enough they will appear for the whole world to see, and it wont be pretty thats why these rich people want to escape it if they could so they are willing to spend all their recourses to achieve that, because money is of no value when it comes to life, these rich people are more afraid than any of you because they know more than you do and they have the means to in their minds do something about it, but what fool would think they can escape their Creator and His many servants being all over this planet without us being able to see them, but they see us, there are two types of life forms, one is carbon based which includes us and the aliens and on the other hand we have the interdimensional beings NOT carbon based, and these guys are the ones you should worry about, the aliens are more like observers, because whats happening here is like them watching Big Brother show, you all are addicted to it and this will be our downfall, then you have those who think they are gods taking science to levels that is strictly forbidden, we humans have crossed many many red lines thus far, and people are not happy about it, there WILL be a reckoning, things will be settled, after those remaining have learned their lesson and when there is no more arrogant corrupt leaders around, this is true friends, this will happen, in fact it has already begun, the deal was signed, again, dont worry about he aliens, they dont have authority or ability to do anything here, its the others you should worry about. 
