Fallout From Trump's Impeachment Trial | The View

This is not directed to my lovely ladies at the View but generally speaking, I have said from times ago that what Meghan is saying should not be taken in any negative way because I believe her views on this program is enormously positive and insightful and constructive, not all has to agree with everything she has to say but her commentaries are worth gold if people try to understand what she is saying, she many times deliver her opinions in a a little bit hostile way but the context of what she is offering is something that people should pay attention to, I value her greatly, on the topic of abortion, we share almost the same view, but I dont agree with her when she said life begins at conception, I dont agree with that, because nowhere in any Holy Scripture does it say what many pro lifers are saying, and it also do not make sense, because at some point God has to send a soul into the fetus, I hope we can agree on at least this point, at some point a soul has to enter the fetus, God does not appoint a soul standing next to a couple just about to make a baby for it to enter anything because at that point there is nothing for a soul to enter, and I hope we can agree on that when God send a soul as far as we know, a soul coming down as to enter something, it just does not roam around till a physical body has come to be for it to enter it, it has to enter as soon as there is something to enter, this is how it works, and this happens after a time after the conception not during it, I can tell you when it happens, after the 90 days, and there is evidence in science when the fetus starts to develop a beating heart and start breath oxygen, then it turns into a complex life form, if you believe life starts at conception then a males sperms are living organism too, but there is no human soul in each and every sperm swimming around, and again no Holy Scripture claim what many pro lifers are saying, many of our very strong believers think the more extreme they go in their faiths the closer to the truth they are at and thats false, God has said, never go too extremes in faith or in anything, stay in the middle path, in faith and in life, this is the healthy way and the way that also make sense even for those who are not believers, when you take things to an extreme you do what many believers do, you exclude others to even hear you out, I do agree with many of my believers that even sex outside marriage is a sin, let alone aborting even on the 60 day after conception, yes its a sin, but its not murder, you havent killed a complex life form in this case a human being, so God always leave a way out of our own ignorance, for our own good, as a mercy, so I think many of our Christian friends need to go back and understand what the Scriptures are saying, your beliefs has to be grounded in some kind of hard evidence in your own Holy Scripture, its the same thing with he concept of the rapture, a concept as crustal as this has to be based on equally strong statements in the Scriptures, if the rapture was real, it would be mentioned all over the Holy Scriptures, the Old Testament does not support this, and if its not there, its not real, so such important topics like life start at the beginning of conception things like the rapture has to be clearly stated in the Holy Scriptures, look I understand when many want to believe there is an easy way out to salvation, we all wished this was true, I would have liked it too, but the Holy Scriptures does not state any of this, a word here and there and you interpreted it as something else does not change the facts of the matter, I say if anything you believe in contradicts what is stated in the Holy Torah then you should disregard it, not to say 100% everything in the Holy Torah is accurate, a few sayings were changed, and this was the purpose when Jesus came to the Jews to correct it, and we know what they did to the poor guy, but thats history but the concepts remains, so being pro life shouldnt mean we must take things to the extremes to some how portray us as the strongest of the strong believers, we are still believers but we risk getting mislead and that wouldnt do anyone any good, in fact this will case more chaos and the risk of things getting out of hand which we are going towards right now, and Meghan is right that if this continues, it wont end well, and both camps will share the blame on the Day of Judgment.
