How good is Israeli pizza?

I would argue that no Israelis have ever tasted anything like my own Royal Pizzas in their lives, I am not kidding when I say, when I left Portugal for the Canary Islands I was battling with myself to either turn left midway and pass through the straight of Gibraltar and head towards the Mediterranean chill there for a while and then sail to the Holy Land and see what happens, but then I had to keep to the old plan because when you have set your mind on something, you shouldnt reverse course midway, so I continued, but one of the plans was to stay in Europe and then go to the Holy Land, to show them who the King of pizza really is, I am pretty sure if they had a piece of my pizza the Israelis would definitely surly positively pick me over any of their leaders and crown a brother King, in fact I copyright the name Royal Pizza, Pizza Royal or anything related to royalty and pizza combined because no matter what happens, one of my plans is to open a franchise with the best pizzas you have ever tried, one of my many contributions to the world because I am nice like that :)
