Palestinian Scholar: If Muslims Want to Live in Peace and Security, They...

This is very troubling with what these extremists are spewing misrepresenting what God has stated in the Holy Quran, yes God has warned that there will be a large group of the Jews that will be hostile to you but He also stated there are (good) people within the Jews that are loyal believers and are good with you, (the Muslims), and it doesnt take a genius to figure this out, we all have seen many Jews with different affiliations and denominations that are friendly to the Muslims but when you listen to these extremists you would think this is the only statement made by God, in reality I say these Palestinian extremists like this looser are as bad and destructive to the Muslims as many of the Jewish extremists are, they are from the same sack of garbage, we dont need either of them to with Gods help uniting all the good and God fearing followers of our Abrahamic faiths, we shall do it without them, we MUST always stand behind the true peacemakers and not these extremists on these sides, we are the majority and we must start acting like it and if we do it sooner the damages will be minimized, but if you follow any of these extremists cults because this is what it is, they are all secluded cults with no intention to bring people together, they instead are thriving dividing people for their own benefit and the benefit of the Devil, their true master, I say we must STOP supporting both sides equally and make our own stance in this, and if they want to start a war and kill each other fine but do NOT drag others into their mess, we are NOT interested in their end goals, no one is superior to anyone else, there is truths in all these faiths and the sooner we all start recognizing this the better we will be off, we cannot run and chase their tales wherever they are seeking to drag us at this would be a big big mistake, we must take care of our own, start loving ourselves first and we can only get to that point when we start recognizing we all have the same One God with the same message that is intended to bring us all back to one and the same family, these extremists seek the opposite path, and we cannot allow them to dictate to us where our future lies, our future lies with ourselves and with God, I fear these extremists are about to start a war in the Middle East anytime soon, I fear this war will drag other countries into their mess , I do fear this more than anything at this moment, so I ask I beg world leaders NOT not fall into their trap no matter what because this doesnt concern us and it shouldnt we are NOT interested in any more wars the money we have left MUST be spent on our own people desperate in need of assistance, I say if they are so eager to start their damn Armageddon fine do it on your own and if you try to involve us in it, I promise you more trouble than you can handle, you wont get on top of this, it wont happen neither faction will get away with it that easy not when our wellbeing is on the line, I say Israel is NOT our ally, they never were, I am NOT talking about the Jewish people, I am talking about the Virus deep in their establishment seeking to suck us dry that has to be removed for the sake of all Jews, and the Palestinian factions these extremists are NOT something we should give a dime to either, nor the molla regime, point being made, I dont see why we should take either side when they BOT they ALL seek o bring the world to the brink of destruction with their endtime theologies, I say let them fight and let the best man win, what more is there to say at this moment, but I also know, there will be no winning side when its all being said and done, they will all realize they never should have followed these cults running all these Middle Eastern countries with their lunatic leaders, all seeking to promote their own crazy ideologies which I want nothing to do with and neither should anyone else because if you think any of these cults over there are seeking our prosperity you are mistaken, they would rather see us collapse when they are are about to, they dont have a good eye for any of us, you should know this, we dont have any allies here, we are our own best allies, we MUST start taking care of our own first, USA first !!! and if we do have allies out there, they should prove this to us before they ask for ANYTHING, again, I fear a war is to break out soon, and also what kind of ally is Israel when every time they get hold of our military technology it somehow end up in the hands of the CCP, the enemy of mankind to this country explain this to me, they are aiding our mortal enemies, this is NOT how a true friend would act, look I am equally critical towards all these extreme regimes out there, its nothing personal against any group, God has instructed us to be loyal to the country we live in, meaning our own people first, this is the bottom line, we dont want anything to do with any crazies out there, they crazies can do whatever the hell they want as long as they keep us out of their business, I say this again to our world leaders, when God forbit war breaks out, do NOT support any of these instigators, you also should look after your own people first, and may God be with you all, Amen.
