Robert Bigelow Tells Bob Lazar Stories

Here is what happened, Earth was habituated by the Unseen, they like us were created with free will and with it led to war between the two factions, the good vs the bad ones, the Creator sent an army to win the war, now with the bad guys gone the one we call Satan whom were on the side of the good guys which he was a general of thought in his mind that the Creator would give him the crown to rule the world, but the Creator knows whats in all hearts and God knew Satan is not worthy so the Creator took the likeness of an ape refined it and blew some of His own soul into this new creature Adam and Hawa and instructed all in that gathering composed of different beings from angels to the Unseens, the story goes that all Angels did but a big chunk of the unseens refused to bow to something that is of that likeness, so Satan said to God, You created me from something more prestigious like smokeless fire and him from clay (atoms) I am better than he is, what Satan out of his arrogance had blinded him of was, the soul active in this bodies of ours is something Satan and the unseens were not gifted with and he got jealous, in truth he knew but he couldnt see beyond his eyes, so in other words God the Creator created us our race just to mess with Satans arrogance of his desire for more and more power, because Satan thought if he fought on Gods side on Earth surly he would be of the winners and with the rank he had he was eyeing for the crown, so God made something from right here on Earth to be something better than he ever could be, and we are where we are in the middle of the whole argument, its an argument for Satan, for God there is no argument, its a done deal and Satan know his time is up soon, so you can understand how mad he has to be about this fact. To a related issue, the idea with circumcision is for us to know that we NOT from any apes, we are a total new creation and when you remove the foreskin you have acknowledged that there is truths to be found in Scriptures.
This is what is going on.   
