Rush Limbaugh's Complicated Legacy | The View

Before I say anything I need to say, may God have mercy on his soul, Amen, and I begin with this because yes he was a polarizing figure and a devising, he never put his energy into uniting the country and some of the things he was airing didnt make this country stronger and by that did some harm and anyone who causes any kind of harm on the Day of Judgment will receive and taste some of his or her own medicine, we all are guilty to some degree, and thats frightening, on the justice God will subject us all to more or less, but even lesser degrees and will be frightening, one of the topics God has stated He will be harsh on is spreading false rumors, and I dont have to remind you all friends what that can cause, and God sees it all and will be fair in His judgment and this is something we should NEVER take for granted that we will get a free pass on, I believe Him when He said this is serious business, and if you do it consciously then its even a more serious business, people can express any views they have but spreading false information score points is something we all should do our best to avoid, but when you hear me say what I say about the British royal family are all true lol :):) it is, you want me to go over all the evil acts they have committed again, ok sure if you insist lol we all know prince Philip was a gay man, one wonder the last time Elisabeth and Phil has sexual intercourse last time in their lives, I would guess last time was when they made their last child, and lets talk about their sons, I am leaving princess Anne out of this because she seems to be the only decent one in that household, I mean somebody has to be the good one, anyways, but lets talk about their sons, lets start with Charles, we know he murdered Princess Diana and we also know Jimmy Savile the wickedest pedophile in resent history was a good and close friend of the family from Phil to Charles and also to Elisabeth, this much we know, there are no speculations here, we know all this, then you have the other black swine Andrew, also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser waned by the FBI for the crimes we are talking about, but going back to Charley boy himself, we have it on tape when she was trying to be a little bit romantic with his new wife when he said he wants to be reincarnated as her bloody tampongs, but thats not the worst thing, his father Phil said and its also on tape, that he wants to be reincarnated as a virus, its all on tape folks, I am NOT making any of this up, what is it with these people some still look up to, the damn lizard said he wants to come back as a virus to kill of the commoners, and we are spending blood and sweat and trillions of dollars trying to combat viruses and this son of a bitch wants to come back as one and do everyone harm and cause destruction and chaos and we have people in the media here praising these blood thirsty devils, if you are in the news media with someone in your family that you have lost because of this virus know this, this British royal family wants to see all of your next kin wiped out too, so why are you shedding tears for them, whats the matter with you, not you ladies but others in the media here and around the world, but lets continue, we also know Kates parents are high level luciferians too, her father is a warlock and her mother a witch casting spells and stuff on people, well I dont know about Kate and what she is up to but as yo can see, this shit runs in the family with these people, they are all messed up, and William too, what a spineless little ugly pussy he is, even though he knows they murdered his mother what does he do, getting closer and closer to these devils by the day, all for some recognition and fame, and you call that a man, I dont call him a man, Harry is the good one, he stood up and left that shithole, I like I did too, honest to God, if you gave me the whole world I would never even sit at the same table as these ugly monkeys, and you know what I cant stop bashing this family, I will tell you why, when their coast guard tricked me to step on land, when they lied to me and said they just wanna help me, next thing I knew they stole my boat wasted three months of my time in their fucking refugee camp, when they drugged me in that camp, when they offended me and insulted me and tried to humiliate me and stole my personal belongings, their coast guard did, you know what I told their agents, I told them, one day I will get out of this place and then it will be my turn to get back at you and on that day we wont be friends, and you know what their agents said back to me, they said, ok fine, ok fine thats what they said those mother fuckers, but they didnt knew what they were about to get themselves into, you mess with me, I never ever forget anything, I do hold grudges, NOT with ordinary people, a stranger could even at times come and perhaps slap me in the face and I wouldnt hit them back or do anything about it, but if you know who I am and still fuck around, rest assured, payback will be a BITCH, you can be the British royals or the Devil makes not difference to me, if God allows  me to return the favor I definitely will, and also these creeps never compensated me for my losses and if they think they will get away with it think again, and I am not doing something un Godly or being unfair here, I am speaking the truth, and the truth is gonna bite them in the ass and here is the thing, people around the world love me for doing this, they love me for it, because they like myself have been unfairly treated by these pedophile very vile family bloodline, people are having enough of these monkeys, and honestly doenst they actually look like their ancestors were apes, because thats what I see in their ugly faces, they look like something between chimps and an even uglier chimps, I am just sharing my views like you ladies but it would be fun to hear you share your thoughts on the matter regarding if they are actual neanderthals or just monkeys.
Am just I the best guy in the world or what :):)
