So the US is working on weapons that change reality (and probably not in...

The lights you see in the video is what I saw also, it had the same look but imagine just one of these but much much larger and it was coned formed like a not fully inflated weather balloon, I would say it was it was at the same altitude as these balls perhaps a bit higher but not too high in the sky, it was cloudy that day with the storm approaching from inland from the west, I was sailing north so I had it on my left side, on my right side the sky was clear with the sun shining, so I thought it must have been a weather balloon the sun reflecting on it but again I was busy with other tasks at hand so I couldnt keep my eyes on it, I wish I could, bummer, there are more I can say about it, but then you have to wait for one of my books, but I thought I repost this video of people sailing capturing this objects so you get a better picture of what I am talking about, and friends, its ALL REAL by God Almighty is REAL this is what I saw too, and I knew it had its focus on me and I will tell more about it in my book, anyone trying to tell you its all fake and not real, know this, they are hiding the truth from you, I am not like them, I am here to inform you about the truth and of whats real and what is not and if God wills it, you will learn about many many things to come, these are exciting times friends, soon you all will know who lied to you and who was telling you about the truth, we are NOT alone !!!
