The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle

I swear by the God I worship that what Columbus witnessed while crossing the Bermuda triangle is what I also experienced and saw with my own eyes, any any sailor can testify crossing seas is that we always carry two autopilots onboard, just in case, its electrical stuff and it could break down and you need another one, we all have two kinds of these equipments, I hade two of the same kind of tiller autopilots too of the same brand because you always have one exact same parts in case you need to replace something, and the autopilots are have a magnetic sensor to determine north south and so forth, so its not gps based, when I was sailing between Porto Rico to North Carolina inside the triangle my autopilots stopped navigating, the boat suddenly started to go in circles, I of course thought the autopilot was broken the one that had held throw the whole Atlantic trip without making any noise studently broke down inside the triangle, I wasnt thinking about any Bermuda triangle because I didnt believe in most of it, I was like most of you, I never had experienced it but heard from others like on TV and YT videos, I want there so I couldnt say if it was certain or not, but now I was crossing through it yet I wasnt thinking about it, honest to God, so anyways, I brought my other autopilot and connected that one the new one the one I had never used and after five ten minutes this new one also started to malfunction, then I connected the old one back in and it was the same all over again, one of my autopilots seems to wanna work, I didnt know what to do and I was 300 something mile from land set for North Carolina, and a week later when I set sail from North Carolina to north after a day of sailing I saw as I have written about many months ago that I also saw a ball of light but in my eyes it looked precisely like one of those helium weather balloons that can go up in altitude, but when I saw it it looked like one of those balloons when its still in low altitudes when its still inflated in the sky, it looked like the ball s of an old guy hanging but down side up, like a ball of sack, but in the shape of a balloon, and like those weather balloons it had some shining coat on it and with the sun shining from the east on it and the balloon was on my left side closer to land than I was so I thought and I swear by God that it was actually a weather balloon at very low altitude on the rise shining like the sun, and I interpreted it as, it is a balloon of a kind with a shining coating on it thats why it shines so bright, and remember, it was during 3 knots winds so I was occupied with more urgent matters that staring at the phenomenon, I was trying to keep the boat floating, it was already chaotic around me and I was busy on other things, but from the first moment I laid my eyes on it because I understood whatever this thing is, I am something around 300 NM out and this thing whatever it is shouldnt be so out here because it was in my estimate no more than 10 to 30 miles away from me, and I am very conservative in my estimate, but because I was forced to run in and out of the cockpit constantly, I remember my thoughts exactly, I thought, I am forced to take my sight of whatever this is but I will be right outside after I am finished with the more urgent matter at hand at that time, I will be coming back to lay my eyes on this to determine what it is, between 30 seconds to a minutes or so I came back to see it again and it was gone, a huge ball of light just had disappeared, I couldnt believe it, because its not everyday you stair at something and a second later its gone, its not there any more, but I had no other chance to get back to my more urgent matters and when on with other things, a day later it was full fledged mega storm with 45 to 60 knots REAL winds, not fake ones, because I have seen YT videos when people are pretending to be in 45 knots winds and I can tell they are faking it, they call 25 knots winds 45-50 knots winds, 50 knots winds will fuck you up, it will fuck any one up, in 60-65 knots winds, you are very lucky to be alive, because one little mistake there and everything is gone, in a small boat like that, waves washes over you and a couple of those waves can sink you boat, mine did :) its crazy these things that can happen, and I also swear to God that till now I didnt know what Columbus had seen or anything, I had watched a documentary that he had seen aliens but I never heard he had seen a ball of fire and that his compass malfunctioned, and exactly these two observations is what I saw too happening in this area, something is going on over there, its not a joke folks its damn real, I know what I saw, I have 20-20 eye sight, I am not kidding, I have such a good eye sight that the slightest disturbances I notice it, so rest assured that what I am telling you is what I saw and its real, and did I say the tanker that came to my rescue was named Poseidon ;) also real, everything is real just as I told you, it all happened.
