The Princess diaries: shocking secret videos of Dubai's Princess Latifa ...

I am asking the Queen Elisabeth to consider the reputation of her family and bar Maktoum to travel to the Untied Kingdom and pressure him to release Princess Latifah so she can leave UAE, and I also ask the good Pope to do the same, this is an expectation I have because I personally wont let go of this issue for as long as I live, and I will have a long life, I preferer to be in good terms with you all but it all depends on how good you are and your deeds will determine that, and I also ask our media all around the world to focus your lights on this matter for as long as necessary, I take these issues very personally because this kind of shit cannot be allowed to continue any longer and I also ask our celebrities to use their platforms to do much more than you have done, this innocent young woman is in need of us all, I am sure if she was in our shoes, she would have done everything she could for someone in her situation, so we MUST do the same for her.

President Biden ! please do something !!!

Much love to CBS 60 Minutes Australia, you guys are the best, you disserve everything good coming your way, Amen.
Lady Gaga ! you got yours back, now help Latifah regain hers, do what you can !!!
