When I Die - Rumi (Powerful Life Poetry)

Discus among yourselves at home what conclusion you have taken from what you heard here and broaden your insight because its much to take home from these few words, its a good conversation starter, have these discussions with your kids instead of them spending time on whats trending on YT, nobody like their kids to be shallow and empty vessels, get them ready for life, and remember, this is Rumi a holy man, a man who knew where he was going, this does not apply to anyone, dont apply these words to yourself just to make you feel good about yourself while you continue walking in the shadows seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but never could reach it but just seeing it, you also need to get there, at the end of the tunnel, it wont be easy but anyone can get there with the help of God, first you have to show you are willing that you have the desire to get over the finish line and if you are serious about it, He will give you a good push long the way, Rumi knew that, he understood, he was practicing all his life to see what many others couldnt because they were distracted elsewhere, the first investment is with your own soul then those close to you then you have finally become a true human being like you were intended to be, a real boy a real girl, good luck :)
