Asian American Attacks: Attacks On Asian Americans On The Rise In The Ba...

Just horrific footage, I was eating my nightly shaolin noodles and lost my apatite, seriously, but then I finished the job, and ate it, the real question is, how do you deal with a person that commits a senseless crime like this, throwing him into prison for a couple of years, what good would that do, I dont think a sick person like that would be cured of anything most likely it would only make him even worse, so what do you do, I know what to do, you need to inflict shock on that person they never forget, like lashing him a few times, that would make his coin fall into right place, that would make him reflect on what he did, because what pain would he reserve from a prison sentence, nothing at all, he will only retrieve into his own world be quite and go about his daily boring chores with a lot of time to go over how much he enjoyed doing what he did, in prison he wont regret anything, so something else has to be done, and I know what, you need to show him how it feels when you harm another person, its the only way, and we also have another problem, I dont see Fox News or any other right winged media highlighting any of this as they should, in fact we have seen even elected officials minimizing this by adding to his idiotic statement that, he is not ashamed that he hates the ChyComs, wth has the CCP to do with this, and when some weak minded zombies watch and hear these people in a condescending manner minimizing these horrific crimes, of course they would feel emboldened and go out and commit these hate crimes because they feel  perhaps there will be someone on high in the government coming to their rescue and having their backs, I think these problems would very easily would be taken care of if all elected officials and all in the media spoke with the same voice condemning these hate crimes, and it would save the sate enormous amount of money, money that could be better used elsewhere, its so easy to fix this, but when I see people even on top shying away from addressing these issues or just dont want to, and these people are our educated smart people, so dont expect these others be any better, its a sickness, this sickness has to be addressed, start in your houses or worship, thats a good start, God is good !!!
