Bash pushes Mayorkas on timeline for suitable border facilities

We are of course companionate people but we also have to realize desperate people take advantage of any situation presented to them, this has indeed become a crisis at the border, when our own economy is what it is, we first have to take care of our own church our own peoples needs first and if there is something over sure we have to be then extra companionate, at this moment this is not the case, we have to speak in very clear terms and send the message that, we cant take in any more, I also suggest we built facilities in their own countries for processing, I propose no intake of any adults no teens and no parents with kids can get in for now, only the very small children, and if parents with kids are willing to hand over their little kids to get in, then thats a choice they have to make, this should be the only option for now, and if those little kids dont have relatives here, then they will be sent back to their own counties back to their own families or get processed in the new facilities built over there, President Biden need to voice his message clearly so that the migrants dont get confused, people of this country need to be taken cared of first, this is the right way to go about it, we have still many elections to win !! and we only win elections with satisficed citizens. 
