CBS investigating 'The Talk' after Sharon Osbourne defends Piers Morgan

The problem started with Morgan saying he didnt believe ANYTHING Princess Meghan had said, meaning she was lying about the horrific mental torture the house of winsor that is the Tampon Prince Charles that lizard Camilla William the Evil One and his witch wife Waity Katy had put her through, and this comes after everything we know about these people, then the wife or the former Prince of Darkness who has bet off heads of bats heads of pigeons and beheaded other animals coming and saying the same thing, that she also doenst believe anything Princess Meghan had stated in these revealing interview, then Sharon went off by swearing on air being rude and accused other collogues for calling her a racist when they were clear that they were not calling her a racist, in fact on the contrary, but the snowflake and spoiled brat we know Sharon is, she went on a tamper tantrum and went totally crazy again, if I was CBS, I would have also launched an investigation and followed the book to see if she is worthy to be on air or not, and thats what they are doing, they are following the book, as they should, and if Sharon is found guilty of being an unstable lunatic, I would have fired her too.  
