Critics point out inconsistencies in Sussex's Oprah interview

I find nothing controversial with what Princess Meghan said about not looking up her husband before they met, after they met sure but thats NOT what she said, and why would she google constantly to find everything about a guy that she had not met or planed to meet, there is no controversy here, because if you need to find out just about everything about the house of winsor, you need to be first abscessed by it or a researcher, and Meghan had a life with her own job that took most of her time, of course we all have googled the royals or hear about all their gregarious scandals but its something to dig in one particular members life, and sure she said they got married three days before, none of you know anything about it, it comes down to defining what marriage is between two individuals, perhaps they subscribe to another religion, or anything else for that matter that these two love birds see as the true definition of what marriage means, so one of can tell the rest of us what they did or did not except what they have stated happened, perhaps only exchanging commitment to one another is their definition of their real marriage, that is their official marriage in their view instead of what Church of Englands view of what marriage means.
So everyone wanted to make it a success ??? oh really, the same success that got Princess Diana murdered ???? we know BOTH senior royals William and Kate opposed Harry getting serious with Meghan from day one, and judging from the characters like the Tampon Prince Charles and Camilla, we know what they are made of those two, and knowing all this, you doubt employees on the palace wouldnt stick to their old bosses over the newcomer, and then we have the British tabloids who made every snide insulting remarks about Meghan also from day one, I should have seen this coming when CNN taking the same side of Rupert Murdocks propaganda outlets over your own, shame on you, are you doubting the character of Princess Harrys over these other monsters, these who got his mother murdered ??? there sure is a dark side to you.
