Dear Rebel Alliance !
Attention my keyboard warriors, welcome to round one of many more to come, time has presented itself for us to take things to the next level and let Rupert Murdoch and his propaganda outlets know where the table and all seats around it should stay at, far away from where he is, the man doesnt seems to know when to shut the hell up and back off, so a lesson has to be taught him he never forgets, I need ALL of you to use your platform I need you all to gather together with determination let your voiced heard to the advertisers on his channels that if they take their business to him there will be consequences ramifications and huge amount of pushback from other angles.
And to the advertisers, I will leave you a way out of this that will work for the good of all, all except his companies, you can still take your business to him if you like but I am going to make the amount of what you used to pay, drawn it to half of what you normally pay, here is how it gonna work, you will argue that its too risky to take your business to him, so you will force him to lower his price to half of what you normally pay him, and he will have no choice to accept what you are willing to pay him, and with the remaining amount you have saved, half of that money you can give to any good cause of your own choosing, and everyone wins, you then have also done good uplifting the reputation of your companies with the donations you have done and everyone wins, again all but Rupert Murdock.

May the Force be with you all, Amen

