Don Lemon Shares Advice to Black Community on Healing Racism | The View

Racism was the original sin, when Eblis (Satan) claimed he was better than Adam, because he was created not from atoms but from something more prestigious, what Eblis missed was the (soul) that inhabited this body made of carbon (atoms), the truth is, Eblis didnt miss anything, he knew that the soul of Adam is actually what counted and he got jealous, he feared he would lose his high position the Holy Creator bestowed upon him at that time, and Eblis failed the test, and he doesnt like losing, even though he knew if he disobeyed the Holy Creator that would be his downfall, and ever sense he has waged war on our race, the race of Adam, the human race, so it is important NOT to follow in his foot steps Eblis that is, we must be more like Adam, he is the role model we should take after, and all other prophets and messengers after him, but this is not the case with many people as you all can see today, so God will fill Hell with all of them who follow Satans way of going about things, its simple, just dont be a prick, always speak the truth because the Holy Creator love only those who always perhaps not doing the right thing but those who at least speaks the truth, its the least thing we can do, it doesnt take much to speak the truth, and if we cant do that, then what good are we for, absolutely nothing, the path to salvation starts with speaking the truth. 
