Football's child sex abuse scandal: Review finds 'institutional failings...

In my old  town Malmo in Sodom there is a football club BK Kick, this place was the nest of pedophiles, basically every kid there were sexually molested by their coaches, I went there for a couple of times and when the coaches came in the dressing room and just stood there while the kids were showering I stopped going there, and the same happened in our school next to this club, our male teachers also liked to watch my school mates showering, but I couldnt just stop going to the school gym classes or you get in trouble, so I just stopped showering after gym classes, and I remember how much pressure the gym teachers put on me to take my cloths of and I just refused, then I found out after school hours the teachers and some parents of my school mates had sexual orgies in that building, and it didnt stop there, in Malmo we had only one large water park called Aqva Kul, what went down there was equally bad, always after closing hours, the adults used to used the whole place also to sexually molest kids who were willing and used to get molested and had orgies all night long, people told me our teachers used to go there, police officers social workers government employees judges lawyers I heard they used to go there at night and have these orgies, the things I heard what went down there I couldnt believe some times, but it was all true, so what you heard here in this report is just the top of the iceberg, its much much worse than you think it is, parents need to be very careful where they send their kids, take it from me, this is going on all over in all countries, everywhere !!
