Iran: Khamenei delivers hopeful Iranian new year's speech in Tehran

Everything you stand for is a lie and the world and God that wherever you and your cult has gone to you have brought nothing but corruption and death, in Iran for example in Lebanon in Iraq in Syria, your Party of Satan hebola and your IRGC you are all heroin and drug traders, thats how you fund your operations, just like the Talibans and ISIL. Some people think just because there are two sides opposing one another like ISIL and the molla alliance that one has to be the good guy and the other one the bad one, but what if BOTH are equally corrupt and rotten to its core, this is bears more resemblance to the actual truth but tribal as most of us are and naive as many of us are, this is what too many believe is happening, the fact of the matter is, Iran is governed by (a) cult a totalitarian one, meaning you kill and imprison anyone daring to speak against you, like many other evil regimes out there like the CCP , like the House of Saud like Assad may the curse of God be upon you all, you are as anti Islamic as it comes, still not a word about what the CCP is doing to believers over there, not a word, it goes to show your corruption, it goes to show rest of your words is meaningless, you are the offsprings of devil, and I hope God keeps you alive to see the downfall of your luciferian cult as well, you are the Yazid the Shemr the Abu Sufian of our age, when God willing the time of your cult has past, nothing will remain of you and whatever you have risen, I actually hate you as much as I hate Satan, I do not differentiate between you two, you are from the same evil seed, you are going down, there will be more sanction on you and if the Iranian people wants to be free, first they have to free themselves from you mollas, nothing will come for free, God has stated that first we have to help ourselves then He will give us a hand with the next step, this statement is universal, but we also know you and your satanic cult have the Iranian people by their necks, I do recognize this too, every time they even speak out you and your Soleymani gun them down in the thousands, that criminal Soleymani, even in his death in his funeral ceremony many tens of people lost their lives, and that says alot, the man just kept on taking lives to the hour he was put in the ground, why cant you bring life and prosperity with you anywhere, you only bring corruption misery and death wherever you go to, your forever resting place will be in Hell, much worse hell than you have created on Earth.

Happy Nowruz to those friends who celebrates it :) Always stand up against tyranny !!! 
