Iran military 'misidentified' Flight PS752 as 'hostile'

People before they come to believing anything the mollas have to say about his terror attack need to know how SAM systems and its operators work, first of all Tehran is basically in the middle of Iran, Tehran is not long side Irans borders where hostile forces are located at, this is important to understand, and because its located at the center of Iran, before any SAM operator misidentify any aircraft to open fire on with its very short range radar we are talking about 50 kilometer something around that, the operator need to be fully certain that it is a hostile aircraft, meaning the many longer rage search radars around the borders of a country must have been identified the so called hostile aircraft then report it to the central integrated command and then the command center gives permission to the SAM operator to fire upon the in coming aircraft, and here is the important thing, no hostile aircraft would make it so far inside the country without many other SAM systems much much closer not opening fire, and not only that, this passenger plane was ascending from the Tehran airport next to the SAM, so the operator first of all is used to see the pattern of planes ascending from that location hundred times a day and the SAM can see the size of the flying object, a jet fighter is much much smaller than a passenger plane and operator can see that on his screen, it is absolutely ridiculous to suggest the operator misidentified it with an incoming hostile aircraft from nowhere, and the passenger plane has its transponder on, but forget about all that now, the operator is used to see on his screen the pattern of planes lifting off from right where his SAM is located, if the IRGC and the molla regime would have said, the operator was drunk or high on opium would have sounded more credible than what they are telling you, you must be an absolute ignoramuses to believe their explanation, they shot it down because there was something aboard that plane that the mollas didnt want to leave the country, this is why they actually shot it down, its a conspiracy behind it, they mollas murdered over 300 innocent people for this reason, I am telling you, these mollas and their IRGC are absolute evil devils, what that thing could be aboard that plane we can only speculate on, I believe all other intelligence services know what that object was and they also are keeping their mouths shut, and also, the mollas wouldnt just shot down a passenger plane if whatever was on that plane was not worth it, it must have been something very important, something of enormous magnitude, I am telling you, this is what happened. 
