Iran: Rouhani "hopeful" new year will see "end of sanctions" in Nowruz a...

There are NO moderates vs the hardliners in Iran, there is only mollaism and what do I mean with this, I mean no matter what, the IRGC is in full control of EVERY aspects on Iranians lives there, if there are lifting of any sanctions, 90% of it will go towards the corrupt IRGC and their economy and the left overs will perhaps trickle down to the rest of the Iranian people, like how much of those billions you received to the Iranian populations, I would say, a big zero, and I mean it, I dont think a penny of that went to improve the lives of Iranians, 100% of it went in the pockets of Irans Supreme Prostitute his family members and the rest of the IRGC, ask any Iranian and they would say the same thing, being good and nice and civil is just not in your nature, the way your Basiji cult members the Iranian version of ISIL are treating Iranian people in the streets and in society, so I oppose any sanction relief in any shape or form, when God willing you mollas have been exterminated, that is the day Iranian people will finally breathe freely and get all the good things in life, but until that day, as long as you mollas control everything there, Iranian people have to endure a little bit more, and listen its not like that I am living in luxury and in comfort telling others to endure some more hardships, I bet my life is harder than 99% of you all, last time I got even a good night sleep a simple thing like that, it was years ago, so we all have to endure till the right time comes, when God lift the sanctions on us all, it is what it is, dont complain too much, pray for the day Evil gets defeated instead and that day is not too far away now, God willing :)    
