Japan's Strangest Cult? | False Gods

Its ironic isnt it when these so called gods cant even control their own "creation" like this Japanese "god" he wants to attack the innocent population of China and North Koreans, a god that only look after and likes one or two or three particular race in his own "creation" but can even communicate to other people and races and by that take control of all in his creation, what puny god the Hulk would say, these idiots only being in animated movies as the bad guys the good guys eventually brings them down in the end of the story, I cant believe anyone falls for these cult leaders, their followers are taking the Mark of the Beast upon them without realizing it, listen friends, the words and the way it works is very simple, very simple, and here is how it goes, the actual story is, there is a Creator of all things, beyond our comprehension, we know some facts about Him, that He occupies no space in His creation, He is outside it, yet He is all knowing all seeing all powerful, never lost a fight against anything, 100% clean record when it comes to anything and everything, He has always existed and always will, so we that means the good guys are in very good hands :):) I rather stand behind the One that is everything described here than anyone else, a God like that takes good care of His own. As I said its not that hard to understand the structure of everything, its simple, corrupt souls makes things complicated for themselves and for those naive people that follows them, in Gods creation here where we are there are only these things , God the Creator, His angels and the race of the Unseen there is nothing else, are no other gods and all these things you hear, what is happening is this, these cult leaders all without exception are getting their info from the Unseens, when you go to a medium, they are NOT talking to any of your past relatives or any former human being now left this world, the medium is hearing things from the Unseens, they have long lives these creatures and they have their ways to get hold of personal information about you, so why are these god and mediums claiming they are in contact with the people you seek, I can tell you why, a medium and a human god these cult leaders, here is the thing, one of these Unseens have better things to do instead on spending a whole lot of time being next to a medium or one of these false gods to give them personal information about those you seek to get in contact with, these Unseens its till an effort for them to get this information you like to hear event though they feed you only what you already know anyway, when you go to these mediums that is, but they still take this burden to do all this for a reason, an agreement between the medium these false gods and the rest of them, there is an understanding between, and you need that to get along with any personalities, so what is that understanding this deal between two intelligent beings, the Unseen and this human medium a cult leader, its a give and take relationship, but what can a human being give to an intelligent being that is not carbon based, you cant give them money or gold we cant offer none of that, and they can in turn not give you everything either, like you cant ask them if they have something made from their world to be given to you, because its not carbon based, wouldnt do much for us, so we are both limited in what we can offer one another, but we all know something is getting exchanged between these two very different beings, nothing much remains so I will let you figure out what is being exchanged, and thats what (belief) backed by (facts) is what we base on our own beliefs, we believers, I am not talking about any particular religion here, I am talking about those who know what is going on and these folks exist with in all major religions, and we can do nothing else but simplify it to this extent to inform some of you not to fall for these many traps by these luciferians, because these false human gods and these cult leaders, they know the deal, they know whats going on and they have picked their side in this struggle, as much as they like to lie to their followers, they have suffered the same sickness of getting lied to and believe in it from someone before they got to work to spread this sickness worldwide with todays technology, take this advise from me, if any of your religious leaders ask for a penny of you, turn away and RUN !! and dont look back, look at this Japanese god, he cant even provide for himself, he is like a beggar with all his hands stretched far than his own eyes can see to ask for your donations and help, a god that cant even help himself, look what did Jesus do, did he ask anyone for anything, and look at his followers today, in the billions, this is intervention when its needed, and isnt it beautiful with so much class, I think it is, this is how the real God because there are no gods but God, so do yourself and those you love a big favor, dont waste time on any of these losers because you dont want to end up where they eventually will end up at, you wanna be rather elsewhere, far from them, thats what I like to go to, instead of wasting your money on these cults, if you seek personal growth, every now and then go and directly help a person or animals or the nature, go and solve one or two of their problems, thats how you will grow as a human being, your ancestors were not monkeys, thats what I am trying to say.
