Jeremy Lin: I worry I encourage hatred by speaking out

I normally dont want to comment on matters of this kind because I also dont want to give it more attention for obvious reasons, and thank God this Atlanta shooting was not related to anti east Asian sentiments and the the less some of these atrocities has to do with race the better, but we know some of these attacks had to do with where some people are from, and I dont understand why some are blaming the east Asians for this virus, it tells me that some sick people rather blame their own problems on others to the extent that they go to the length and actually attack people from a certain race, a whole race of people for something they have absolutely nothing to do with, our country is sick, this is what it tells me, and we have to do something about it, out leaders need to or are obligated to set the record straight that a race of people in this case our eastern Asian community are also victims in this and just like the rest of us are suffering in the case of the eastern Asians have suffered more than the rest of us, they should be given a break here, what have they to do with any of this, I almost couldnt bear watching an old Asian person getting knocked down by some brainless punk for just being an east Asian, but it didnt surprised me, we have seen other races people from different religions also getting blamed for what some lunatics have done, these perpetrators share the same mindset as any other extremists out there, trying to convince extremists to be more reasonable is no easy task, one way to ease their pain is this, we all share responsibility to calm their troubled minds, so lets do that, lets not drive them to the extremes, this is the first step.
