Maria Bartiromo: China is using 'progressive, woke' words against us

I disagree firmly, I would argue that the CCP is delighted to see the propaganda outlets of Rupert Murdock casting doubts and divisions even when it comes to standing up to them among the left and right here in the US in the UK and especially in Australia where Murdocks News Corp is most active, one example is, Sky News and Fox News couldnt even support Sec Blinkens honest and sound counter arguments against the CCP delegate, Murdocks propaganda outlets and its hosts couldnt take the side of our own government in a matter of this importance, and I have seen Sky News Australia committing the same mistakes and belittle our own president as soon as they find an opportunity to do so, so dont tell me what side is casting divisions as if there are no limits to these traitorous acts in my mind, News Corm is doing this in all these countries I mentioned, I never saw ANY on the left go on the opponents channels speaking ill about America while I have seen people on the right on the opponents channels then go on channels like Fox News to spread the same anti American arguments and down talking our government and our policies while arguing for the CCP and others, I never saw any Dems doing any of that, but I have seen too many on Fox News going on RT and other anti American outlets repeating the same arguments, the proof speaks for itself, and I hope the advertisers here and elsewhere take noticed of what is going on, because investing in News Corp is something they should think over if they actually love this country and countries like Australia and UK, sure we also have made mistakes over here but we dont put people in concentration camps, we dont have slave labor we dont kill our people in our prisons to harvest their organs while we allow our people to freely speak their minds, unlike what CCP doesl, so we are NOT speaking on the same footing here, and like Sec Blinken said, never ever bet against our people, because you are gonna lose, and that goes for YOU too Rupert Murdock and his News Corp ! so I ask again our advertisers to do what I proposed earlier, let News Corp know this if you now feel you have to take some of your advertisement to them, tell them that its too risky to do business with them, and that you are only willing to pay half the price of what they ask of you, because the massive backlash you will receive by taking your business to them, and with half of what you now are going to save by advertising at them, take half of that savings and donate it to a good cause of your own choosing, and everyone will come out a little bit stronger but Rupert Murdocks News Corp, but if I were you, I wouldnt invest a penny at News Corp. you can collapse the value of their stocks by multiple if you all did this the right way, and dont forget who owns a big portion of his companies, the Saudi royal family, and remember when we and by that I mean yours truly caused 40 billion dollar in damages on the Saudis with the  assassinations a few years ago :) 40 billion in stock damages :) we can do it again with News Corp, because they are what they are, they are NOT looking after our people and our way of life, Rupert goes where he can do his profits, thats all he things about, and the saying goes, Rupert gets what he wants, because he is a piece of shit, but no more, hell with him, we wont allow him to sell us out to the highest bidder, NO MORE !!! 
