Meghan and Harry's interview adds fuel to debate for nations to cut ties...

The members of the Commonwealth nations shouldnt let this awakening just slip away when their true faces has been or are being reviled to you, have you not have enough with their entitlements and all the crap these unworthy creatures has caused thus far, its a question only you yourselves can answer, but let me help you on the way, you shouldnt accept under any circumstances and now you have the grand opportunity to tell them what you should have said long ago and be heard, you know what to do and what to say, you should stand by Prince Harry and his wife and firmly against their accusers, because none of them are up top any good and never were, the choice is simple here, I will stand with Harry and so should you, all over the Commonwealth nations, together we are going to build something heavenly for you all, whole this house of winsor did nothing but to rob you of your last drop of sweat throughout the centauries, why are you allowing to live on your behalf, we can change all that, yes we can, we have to, we need to do this, house of winsor is a rotten house and it shouldnt have any power, Britain would do better without the Tampon Prince and his son, William, if you stand with God you are NOT standing with these devils, as I said, the choice is simple or should be unless you are corrupt like those you look up to, remove this family as your heads of state !!
