Meghan Markle 'won't be happy until she brings down the Royal Family'

Lets not go to talk who is leading whom from what end of anyones autonomy you media prostitutes, we all know the reason Princess Diana left your Tampon Prince Charles was because Princess Diana was going along with the perverted sexual fantasies your Tampon Prince required of her something that whore Camila that ugly lizards gave Charles, I am pretty sure if Princess Diana had agreed to go down with all Charles asked of her, they would still be "married" officially, but that lady was dignified a good woman, and the family of winsor, these luciferian devils, these rats cannot have anything dignified around them, they always have the need to corrupt everything of purity around them, and I am sure if the Tampon Prince and William and Waity Katy or any of these losers were ask you to wipe their asses of, you would gladly have done it, just to have a seat next to them even for a short moment, and your wishes to see Prince Harry and Princess Meghan getting divorces is wishful thinking, you witches, I have asked God to keep all evil away from them, and the day they get divorces, thats the day I will change my name so the challenge is accepted, instead, may God ruin all your lives, if you wish good people harm, it will come back and affect you back in manners that will remains to be seen, you have no power, you only think you have, you have nothing you whores, all of you.
The house of winsor WILL fall !!!
