New Poll Show What Canadians Think Of Meghan Markle & Prince Harry

Here is my take on the abolishment of the house of winsor and even their queen, people need to understand the FACT that the murder the assassination of Princess Diana would never go through without the thumbs up of Elisabeth, people need to know that, so NO she is NOT an innocent old lady we should care for or have empathy for, she is guilty as hell, and as soon as she and her evil husband has left this life, right at that moment thats when she WILL come to terms with that mistake she has committed, I wouldnt want to be her on that awful day, she wont like what God will put her through and forever there after, for all eternity, for all times to come, forever, and such people we here should have no care for because a day doesnt come where they dont cross red lines, so YES I would like to see the collapse of the house of winsor WHILE she is still around, I want her to see that justice will get served here as well to her household, so I would like to see our cousins up north of us in Canada to do the right thing and help get rid of her and her offsprings to ever become the heads of state of you, you can free yourselves from their shackles they have around your necks too and regain your honor and dignity as free men and women, you were born free cousins let the world hear your voice, no more shouting in silence in darkness, now you have the chance to sing your happy songs, what are you waiting for ? :):)
