Olivia Munn On Violence Against Asian Americans: ‘This Doesn’t Happen In...

I am starting to think this was heinous senseless crime was indeed targeted towards our east Asian community, when 80% of the murdered victims were of eastern Asian origin one cant ignore the fact, and we know these targeted killings of eastern Asians has been on the rise for some time now and it shouldnt get ignored, my personal view has always been in circumstances like these where race or religion is on the line, not to shed any light on the matter, because it just encourage lunatics to act out their personal anger towards folks from these communities, I think its called the boomerang effect, like when a satanic ritual murder is committed, law departments never characterize it as such because they know others will try to replicate these crimes, but as this point we are talking about it so now we have to shed more draw more attention to these cases because its too late to do anything else, our elected leaders should stop politicizing just about everything and like normal good people that most we know they are need to make joined statements, that would have helped heal the country, it would be good for their reputations too, nobody would look down on them if they made sound and constructive statements, people like when statements from our leaders makes sense, people like that, so please dont waste time and show unity, dont fall behind, I would have jumped on this opportunity right away and condemn these acts of violence, good luck. 
