President Biden & Vice President Harris Meet with Xavier Becerra, Alejan...

The systemic corruption in all these countries in the south goes so deep that we cannot depend on anything they say they will do, we have to do it ourselves if we want to get somewhere dealing with these issues, we cannot rely on them to guard their southern borders when their border patrol officers can be bribed to let anyone in from these three poverty stricken countries into Mexico, natural disasters is something we cannot avoid, its not in our hands, just as when these natural disasters affects us here, we also have our people to take care of first after these disasters strike us, its not like we are sheltered ourselves with these disasters, in fact it looks to me that we are in worse shape and get struck more frequently than anyone other country in the Americas, forest fires hurricanes floodings left and right extreme colds freshwater shortages clean water shortages it just goes on and on, and on top of that, poverty and homelessness, one million families goes hungry here at home if the numbers are not higher, we MUST start taking care of our own people in dire need of help first, elected officials need to realize whats happening in our own town in our own streets in our own country first before they look elsewhere to send money to corrupt states outside our own, we must close the borders and send all teens and older back where they came from, and their governments their own countries MUST accept them back or we will sanction the hell out of them till they get the point, Scripture say, take care of your own church first, meaning your own people first, the American people must always come first, and as I said, all the problems they face in the south with natural disasters, we face if not as many but more of it here at home, we cannot just let more in when we have the same exact problems here at home, we must close the borders completely because I dont see what else we can do at this point, compaction and responsibility starts first within and people are pissed off right now on both sides and I agree with them, we must look after the needs of our own people first, we have families getting evicted we have children with little hope for a better future here at home first, we have tons of problems ourselves we need to look after much closer at home before we ask if others is in need of our help, we have to be reasonable, Mr President. 
