SE Cupp: The GOP has got its priorities all wrong

As long as not many have the courage to speak the truth about in this case, how and who changed the party of Lincoln and Regan to what it has become today, we will never get to a final verdict, I can tell you who came and created all this mess, Rupert Murdoch, thats who, we know he is anything but a conservative, he just saw an opportunity when the conservatives were distracted and weak then he came along and made their cause his "cause", if the reverse were true, if the democrats were in the seat of republicans, Murdock would have done what he has done with the democrats instead, this is the simple modus operandi of all these frauds, I am telling my conservative friends, Rupert Murdock is your worse enemy, many of you havent realized this yet, Rupert Murdock is the enemy of Australia of UK US and the entire mankind, he is a devil, he shouldnt have license to operate anywhere. 
