Smugglers drop children over US border barrier

100 000 migrants are getting over the border every 30 days, thats a million people a year, thats a big town every year this is not how one runs a country, this country needs a new party that takes the best ideas of both parties and make it a better place this country, perhaps what America needs is a Monarch, a King, perhaps for a while at least to do a couple of things that would never be done otherwise, what I know is, immigration policies has to change, when you tell people south of US not to come now, they take it as, lets rush and throw all these children over and everything else too, we need a clear message to them that we stand by, the kids will also be sent back, I am thinking these immigrants, how much do they cost the state, over a thousands dollars a day, wouldnt it be better if we gave them 200 dollars a month to stay in their own countries, forget about the roots of the problems for now, what needs to happen is, the borders must come to a complete halt of incoming immigrants while those where will be sent back, this is not how you run a country, we are talking about a big town of people each month entering the country, each month for Gods sake !! we torture our own people with many ridiculous demands to have simple roof over their heads for the night and we are letting 100 000 new migrants in to the country, its like a parent drunk spending all his money on others, other than his own family, what kind of parent is that, this administration better look closer to home before they seek to play Jesus with others children, take care of those whom you have given birth to first before you go to adopt a whole new big town every month.
America needs a King, and guess who is available :):)
