The 'Firm' strikes back: inside Royal reaction to Meghan and Harry inter...

Ok this was a hit piece, but alright, it was uncalled for but lets move on, the area these two live in is a very secure place, everyone knows everyone and people are friendly, and they are also strong if need be, so no worries there, an argument that can be said is, the approval rating of the royals here is off the charts, I think with a 90% approval rating is where its at, and around the world I think they have similar views, so in reality, the accusers are the ones with much lower standing around the world, they should be worried, if its a game of numbers they are losing by the day, so they should just chill and stand aside of real progress and what can be done, humanity need to keep on going with or without these who couldnt do it better even if they tried to, look guys ! prince Philip said he would like to be reincarnated as a virus, you figure out the rest of it, the man said he wants to be as destructive as one can become, this is their true nature, they are in their own words, a big virus, and they should not ever be trusted even walking your dog, because you never know with these people, they are sick, generation of inbreeding does that to you, why do you think they all look the same.
Prince harry and our American Princess Meghan are the good guys and anyone who doesnt like them can go and fuck themselves, thank you very much good bye.  
