The Occult Is Everywhere | Hamza Yusuf

True, the dark forces with Eblis on top of that hierarchy has been there right when ever revelations were sent to us to corrupt it, the demonic forces are the first ones to blame, then ourselves, I dont want to know how the Creator will react to it all, or I think I do know, but if you all paid close attention, Hamza Yusuf never mentioned the Sunnis and the many denominations that just recently have waged every war in the Islamic world, so perhaps Hamza is suffering the same ignorance many others from these major religions and their many more denominations are suffering from, but he is right one one thing here, Eblis and his devils are behind all wars and all conflicts worldwide, I have no doubt whatsoever about this, I would bet my life on it, I am so certain that I woould bet everything I have and have not yet on this point, I am also certain God will unleash hell on us, or lift the vail that should not supposed to be there that has stopped us to getting wiped out long ago, so He has been most merciful to this point but for how long He will prolong His mercy, it remains to be seen.
