The Story of How Imam Mehdi (a) Saved the People of Bahrain

Have you friends noticed a couple of things with these shia mollas, one is, they always have these fantastical stories where without any evidence they claim some of them goes to the desert for "prayer" and their hidden imam come for visit and give them solution to their personal problems, another issue many believers have with these shia mollas is, they have programmed their followers like the idiot you see here to pray to their imams before they pray to God, we all have seen it, its one of their shia pillars, they go to pilgrimage to their imam burial places and ask them to solve their problems, they even have this well in Iran where they say Imam Mahdi is down there in the well lol and they throw their written letters so that their imam pick them up read them and miraculously help them out, my question is, why to they feel they have to go to a desert to pray, are they absolutely certain its not a Jinn that appears to them in the shape of a man they are talking to, regardless, in my view these shia mollas are all heretics, we shouldnt blame those naive population that follows them, we have equally as many sunny naive fools that follow their one eyed imams committing horrific crimes and sins and errors, this should be an eye opener for all believers, first rule of a true believer is what ? you dont have to go any desert or go anywhere to directly pray to your Creator, He sees all and is aware of everything, you ONLY pray to Him directly, no intermediaries needed, but tell that to these shia mollas, may the curse of God be upon them all, for misleading their followers, may the curse of God be upon all those who are misleading their followers, may He deal with them justly and fairly.
I hope you friends understand why I oppose them mollas and their top guard dogs like Ahmadinejad and the rest of them, in Iran I personally experienced their evilness, I learned their true nature, and I am convinced they must be removed, and they shall, no worries there, all these heretics will be removed, from Iran from Saudi Arabia from Pakistan from Syria from Iraq from everywhere ! its a promise. 
