VP Kamala Harris Takes Lead on Border Crisis | The View

Sure President Biden has only been in office for two months, he has more than plenty of time to rectify this crisis, but he need to act fast and have something to SHOW for it, people need to see results, and the decision to keep media out of those refugee centers was a terrible decision because he ran on transparency and he should have know, keeping cameras out of those centers would create a hole lot of controversies so the advisers who came up with that should be flogged and hanged lol kidding of course, just being silly, but it wasnt a good advise to the President, aside that, one fact remains, because of past statements by Dem officials, the word is that this is the time to send your kids over and others because the harder lines of President Trump is no longer in practice, so of course people take advantage of it, yes these refugees have not the living standards of what Americans have here, but they are not running from any actually war and displacement scenarios, they are running from poverty, but I also have to say this, and I am not being cruel, these people I see coming over here, they are not precisely starving or being malnourished, because from the pictures I have seen, most of them are even over weight, to the same point, if I was to walk for tens of days to get north to America, even ten days of walking would made me lose half of my weight, so I dont believe all of them have made this walk, I believe they paid others to drive them almost to the border and then walk the rest of the way, and also if you are willing to pay thousands of dollars to get a ride from south to the border, those thousands of dollars, you could have done stuff in your own country to better your life, so in my mind, the arguments that they are fleeing something too horrific to tolerate in their own countries doesnt sound very plausible to me, sure there is crime down there and drugs, but its the same here, we face the same problems they face but we have a lesser corrupt government than they have and that has to do with the difference of cultures, we here actually force our elected officials not to go fully corrupt while they down there have no interest in who and what governs them and thats why they have all these issues, and its not our responsibility to culture them to deal with these issues, look if I was from any of these triangle countries from the south with high drug crime rates, I would have organized members of my community to forcefully take on those criminals threatening members of my community with any means necessary, we have seen local communities in places like Mexico where they have locally taken these initiatives and now they are 100% free of any crime, now their communities are living happily and are prospering, so perhaps instead of us just taking in anyone so called fleeing their own local problems, perhaps we should go down there and educate them how to deal with these issues, that would be a true companionate act, its not compassionate towards our own needy people right here to give their tax dollars to take care of millions of refuges annually making this migration to this country, it is simply not fair towards our own people who millions are going hungry without shelter over their heads with the kind of education and healthcare they disserve only if we managed our policies and money better than we do today, I say this again, climate change is affecting us all, having less than yesterday is a reality we all face, look I am a generous man, when I have money over I would gladly give to someone in need of, but if you came to me right now as in what the rest of the country is facing right now, I would have politely said, sorry buddy, not now, the borders to my pocket is closed, God willing in the future, so its a little bit too rich for some in this panel and in the media to always speak against having a more controllable border policies, when they have millions in salary, cut their pay checks down to 15 dollars per hour and see if they would change their minds then, and most of the country is making less than that, you need to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the vast majority of people to then make a decision on matters such as what we are talking about, but going back to one of my earlier arguments of education, we could do much better helping them down there than we can ever do here, and thats a fact, it would be much harder a more difficult more time consuming job and we would need competent people to take on these issues with authority, but I guess its much simpler to shove these issues under the rug quickly the way we have been doing it for a very long time, we are not doing anyone any favors with this, not the migrants and not our own people right here, we need to have a much much harder stance on those governments in the south, much harsher, because after all, they cant even govern themselves properly, so what are we dealing with here, we are not dealing with stable rational countries, we need to be adults in this conversation and we need to show leadership, and help them out that way, and by that helping us all, if we did this right, its a win win for all parties, but again, if President Biden handled this situation correctly, in a month or two everyone would have forgotten about this little crisis, but he need to have something to show for it, to silence the critics in the right way, I am sure this administration will soon take firm grip of the situation and then things will be alright again.
