Western sanctions on China over Xinjiang trigger furious response

This is a good step by allied forces and especially EU who I had many reservations for because it took them YEARS thats right YEARS to finally speak out against the Chinese Communist Party Cult and their many crimes against humanity, it took some time for EU to do this but better late than never, bravo ! you are giving me hope too, for a friendlier future among allies, but it doesnt mean we should stop here with this, fighting for human rights its a fight suit we take on every morning to the moment in day when we have won this fight, it could take years to achieve this, then so be it, we have to cross the finish line thats the day we all can take a breather and wave the victory flag, we cannot disappoint the billions depending on us to the "impossible" job, it is indeed possible and we are going to do it, its going to happen, with good Lords help it will, Amen. 
