What we know about Boulder shooting suspect

Ten lives taken by one person should not be another day in our lives but days like this happens and it does, there are mentally ill people in the mist of us, we should look at it from a medical point of view, all other measures wont do the intended affect we are seeking, and I have been thinking what to say and recommend that can have an impact in stopping these mentally sick people, and I can only come up with one solution, we have to get the message across to ALL our citizens to as soon as you see a close one behaving in a suspicious way around weapons and some of the things they say and if you as a close one suspect the person in question is unstable in the slightest way, you need to without wasting even a second to report this person even if its your family member your friend you need to call it in, you are our first line of defense and the most effective, your quick action of reporting will be what can make sure authorities get there just in time to stop these mentally ill persons taking it to the next level, look there are many factors that has to play itself just perfect and efficient to get hold of the matter to have a positive ending to any of these threats, you whom has reported this in time need to be on top of your game spotting this and report it as soon as you can and so must be proper authority personnel as well, and all actors to do their jobs just perfectly is the only way these mentally unstable individuals can and hopefully get stopped before they act out their anger by taking innocent peoples lives, but it shouldnt stop you to report what you have observes as soon as you see something, again you are the first line to stop this, most of it hangs on you, so please if you know an individual displaying any of these symptoms, dont waste a moment, report it in, then its on the law enforcements obligation to quickly look in the case and do it as best as they can, I cant come up with anything else to say how to stop these madmen, all these other measures we are hearing about wont change anything, a person who has decided to take as many lives as he can, can do so with one or two hand guns as well, or by other means, so in my mind the best place to start dealing this this issue is messaging, and here can both party members instead of doing what they usually do, and go back to their own old rhetorics and proposals that has and will never work, why dont you all gather outside the congress as one unite with the same message to all American people to perhaps try another way, I think if the American people saw members of both parties in one footage with a whole new simpler message, I thing that will get through their heads much deeper and will have a much better effect on them because its they we need to target, to report in unstable members of THEIR communities, politicians wont be able to stop these crazies, members in our many communities can, and we must encourage them to do so, because the way politicians are doing right now is NOT helpful at all, you need a completely new approach on this, I suggest people from both parties put old slogans aside and try a new one.
May God arrange a more peaceful resting place for these victims than they found here, Amen. 
