Will ‘that Markle woman’ and Prince Harry ‘not go away?’

That woman you are referring to is not your mother your sister or your daughter you worthless worm, that lady is soon to be one of the highest ranking royals in the world if I can help it and NO Prince Harry and Princess Meghan are going nowhere, they are gonna be here bugging the hell of you rabid hyenas, your purpose in life seems to be destroy innocence while hiding behind your evil master Rupert Murdoch and his master, Satan, and how stupid are you really, are you telling me during any monarch before this Elisabeth, none of them never been overthrown before ?? you idiot jackass,, the answer is YES, countless of times, power and authority is given over by the Holy Creator, and what has been given can just as easy be taken away, for good, and you monkeys have angered powers you have no clue what you have done but you are going to find out the hard way, that backing Evil will take you nowhere, but to hellfire.
