Body cam video shows cop shooting Black teen who had charged two women w...

I would have done the same thing, the officer acted righteously and quick, give the man a medal already, and that punk as man that kicked that girl in the head while she was on the ground should have got a bullet in that foot too, we are dealing with thugs and animals here, not normal people, why are some cheering for these criminals, how come the Progressives never can come in terms with the fact that is I guess is the question, it feels like the Progressives are the real political agitators here when they misreport what happens in these cases and stand rather with them and never with the police even in these clear cut cases, this is how the left is driving a wedge in society with what they are doing, I hope no one ever vote for them again, I hope they lose in 2022 and beyond, I really do, we have nothing in common, we are NOT the same.
