CNN goes to front line of Yemen’s key battleground

Once again CNN is covering for the Saudi criminal regime, remember 911 ! and dont forget the Saudis started this war, this war was initiated by MBS their Clown Prince, he made CNN to make this propaganda report and also the war industry, its one and the same, the Houthis are the good guys here, CNN doesnt report when the Saudis and their so called "recognized" government are both paying jihadis to do all the fighting, something you dont see in this video, they only showed you people in uniforms to make it look legit but its not, what they also dont tell you is, most of the actual recognized government of Yemen are on the Houthis side, their government is split in two sides, one side on the side of the Saudis the other on the side of the Houthis, in reality, there is no legit Yemeny government in place, but CNN is not telling you this, they are trying to convince you, the side of the government on the Saudi side is the legit one when this is false, pure propaganda, again remember, nothing ever good can come out of those on the side of the Saudi one who staged 911, remember that !
The Houthis are the good guys in this fight the Saudis started, its the Saudis who are bombing hospitals schools and indiscriminately air bombing civilians from the air with British and American bombs, President Biden is trying to do something about it and the war industry and the British government and war industry are protesting as you all can see, this is how shameless these people are, if the Saudis and the Brits and the UAE and others wanted, they could have ended this war anytime they wanted, but thats not what they want, they want to keep on selling their weapons and murder as many as they can, and you might ask who in Britain is in actual control of this, I say the Evil One, they are stationed in Europe, in Britain, and also other places but mainly in Britain, thats the island of the Evil One, his and his cult members control all aspects of finances there and the war industry, they have influence here in the US too but not as much as they do all over Europe and the Middle East, now you folks know more of what is going on, again remember, nothing goo has or ever will come out of supporting the Saudis, whatever side they are on, you need to be on the opposite side.
