Howard University Dissolves Classics Department | The View

There is an (organized) attempt to dumb down society, so who are these organizers, we need to identify them and make them known by putting the right kind of arguments against them, God has stated that we must go after all kinds of knowledge except things like magic sorcery and things like this, any other knowledge we should proceed because there is wisdom in all of it somewhere, I am not saying we should subscribe to it all but we should know even what our enemies arguments is based on, in this way establishing peace will get easier and that in turn will benefit all of mankind, and there is very little mankind do disagree on so this leaves lot hope to proceed the wisdom of (learning) but some wicked people have other ideas, they like to divide mankind by hiding today even knowledge that is available to us, let alone much useful information that is there to help us taking the next step in our evolution, and these bad people are in the way of us reaching higher up, they like to keep that to themselves while they enjoy riding on other peoples backs, this is an (organized) effort, its been going on since the beginning we were sent here on this planet, and these people have alot of influence, they keep corruption by paying people off and making false promises to them, so they infiltrate all aspects of society like our education systems our healthcare systems our law enforcements and other governmental institutions, its a cult folks !!! this international cult is active all around the world in all countries, in some countries they have full control of the society there, in some others only partial but never the less it only takes for them to even have partial influence there to fully corrupt that country and its society, its all it takes, just to get a foot hold in, I have always said, you wont even find much honesty and truth telling in any organized religions out there and its just as bad with these smaller denominations, because even our major organized religious institutions are compromising with this Cult to stay afloat, because they are afraid to get assassinated by this Cult and also to lose their finances as an organized religious institution, some and many other of these religious organizations small or larger are directly members of this Cult, so relying any kind of truth telling from their part is wishful thinking, I have stated this before, you will get more religious truth telling and honesty  from movies than your religious leaders you trust so much, this is a sad state but its true, look when God has offered this pray for us to recite that we should take refuge from the whispering of the (Unseens) AND also from the whispering of (men) He has a point, because we already know what the whispering of the Unseen is able to do, but what is this whispering of men, He is referring to many conspiracies of wicked men, there is a prayer that can if God accepts your prayer to shield you from both of these conspiracies and that can guide you on the right path, to see truth the lies and dissinformation of members of this Cult, to open your mind and make you less receptible to all these conspiracies of men and from the Unseens, its easy folks, it means trust in the Creator to neutralize their conspiracies but in order for this to be neutralized, it requires for the majority of our species to see it for what it is and unite against it, but our species is to selfish to act in an unified fashion because we have been told that every one is on their own and screw everyone else, just take "care" of your won and you will be fine, while this is a approach, those who are telling you this are themselves most organized, they just you to remain weak and impotent, I am sure one day when this Evil and its cult has revealed itself because its arrogant and wants to be seen and worshiped and after what is left of mankind has finally defeated it, those who remains will after everything it has seen and beard witness to will walk with open eyes not like mankind is doing today, sleep walking towards both hell on earth and then the real one after they have left this world, it all will come down to this folks, believe it not its true, so for now we can continue talk about one after the other of their many conspiracies like this one the ladies on View are talking about, its just one among so many, no wonder people are so tired and confused about everything going on, its a spiritual battle with material means, because its with the material they have captured you all they cant directly get to your spirit your soul, they do it by these many other means, by keeping dumbing you down by denigrating culture in all manners of form and they are doing a hell of of a job doing it, so in other words, we are doomed, and the judgment above will be just as harsh.
