John Kerry Says Biden Evaluating Border Adjustment Tax

Carbon tax ?? I am moving outa this country if its implemented, this is another way to enrich the banskers, this is the only motive behind this carbon tax business, ask yourselves, where will these taxes be used for, straight into to the pockets of these fake climate activist politicians and their private business, this is another way to take from the poor and give it to the super rich, their greed have no limits, they just want more and more, and its pretty rich coming from these who take their private jets that others are paying for I must add to attend these meetings when they could have got a plane ticket like everyone else, I am starting to get so angry at these people I have soon had enough with them and their hypocrisy and lies, why do you think all these governments and leaders even though they are some of them enemies gather together when it comes to ways to screw all their people with more taxes, look I am super on going green too, and I live what I preach and always will, one of these trips Kerry takes just one single of these trips with his private jet, the burn more fossil fuel than I have burned in TEN YEARES, and thats just one of his trips and he makes tens of these trips each year, he has polluted this planet in one month than I have done or will in my whole life, so people like him should be the last ones to speak about climate change, this is what these corrupt politicians want, they want to depopulate the planet, tax the hell out of you so that they will be the only ones left till all of you have starved to death.
I say NO MORE taxes on anything, we need brave politicians taking over the business of running the damn country, I say next time ANY damn politician mentions anything with razing any damn taxes, you need to vote them the hell out, no matter who it is, we must make life more enjoyable for our people not to suck them dry of their last drop of blood for Gods sake, I say and this is how a truly prosperous country should look like and be run, with 20% taxes the government MUST be able to provide EVERYTHING from universal healthcare provide housing over peoples heads, meaning no more poor people begging and sleeping outside and also all other goodies people deserve, and all this has to be done with 20% taxes and not a penny more, this is the kind of country worth living in, anything else is just garbage and corruption and we cant have that.

We need a revolution because this is going too far with these people.
