Mask-Holes Like Tucker Carlson Undermine Efforts To End The Pandemic

If what Tucker said about calling the police for people wearing a mask is not a serious cause of concern for the police departments with unnecessary call that take up their times we have a serious problem here, police unions should make a official complain and sue Fox News, somebody should definitely sue Fox News for this because this statement they made is so anti police as it can be, and al also call for an investigation on how many calls police departments have received after this, the Congress should take a closer look at this and launch an investigation !!  we need answers to how much damage Fox News caused here and how much it costed all these police departments and I also think Fox News should pay them back, its only fair, because first Fox News encouraged the rioters to attack the Capitol then they spread falsehoods about the election and now this, its too much if you ask me, whats next, one wonders, how much damage is this Rupert Murdock is going to cause before he gets banned entering this continent, the whole continent should ban him from entering, think about the long term effects of this, he is set to bring this country down this Murdock, he is today the Republican Party !! and he is NOT a conservative yet he has deceived the Zombie Mob to follow him to whatever end, we need to save America or whats left of it from this idiot and his son.
