Pentagon confirms UFO video is real, taken by Navy pilot

If you friends saw what I saw so clearly myself you even the sceptics would have become a believer, because its true, I would never lie, I have told you, we ALL on this planet live in a galactic TV reality show, these are the Watchers, and think about it, why would they expose themselves too early when they are enjoying the show as much as they are, but like anything else, everything that has a beginning also have an end, and the end is getting nearer by the hour, the end will be chaotic, because if you have loved a show this much and have followed the characters and story lines and bend watched it and how would you feel when the show is terminated, you would get upset of course, your favorite show is over, some people would smash their tv apparatuses, throw whatever you are holding in your hand at it, and what story lines is more exciting than the story between good and evil, people even the nonhumans will have strong feelings about it, and they are not like us naturally, they have the ability to do more harm than just throwing a coffee cup at the tv, other things will get thrown left and right, so there are two sides in this story, those who have cheered for one party over the other and vice versa, but God and His angels have prevented them to act out their frustration but soon that barrier will be lifted and thats when hell will break loose, but we are told the good guys will be victorious, like many other times in Earths history because this have happened a few times before, my understanding is that this will be the last show, after this one there wont be more reality businesses, we are its last actors, worthy of Hollywood, somebody should make a new movie about this !! :) and I want my always seven percent, I dont care if its the end of times, I still want my cut !! I can even help you with the screenplay, I can write down everything you need to make this production a great block buster success :):)
