President Biden Delivers Remarks on Russia

I hope everything works out between the US and Russia, Russians and President Putin were nice to me when the Sodomites in Sodom (Sweden) conspired and abused me, I will never forget that kindness, I know I have made damning statements before and I do apologize for it, no harm has been done so far and thats good, I would never had gone so far for it to been harmful, it was just some statements, but Sodom will never ever be forgiven, never.

I never intended to say this what I am about to say, a couple of hours ago, I lost one of my tooths that got broken in that incident in Sodom, and I have perfect teeths no holes nothing its a shame, now as we speak, I am sitting here with one of my very precious teeths gone, its not there anymore it came off, now I wont be able to smile anymore for some time till I get a new one, but I can say this, people are going to PAY for this, I am gonna have people totally crushed, smashed into pieces, there will nothing left of you, thats YOU Sodom, I will get you one day, its a promise.

Imagine this beautiful face of mine with one tooth missing, :( but it doesnt hurt so :) I am gonna fuck you in Sodom, even if it has to cost me a billion dollars to get you all I will, as I said, I will never got rest before I have got YOU !!! and your royal family have a share in this blame, one day I will have your king fucking Gustav on his knees begging, wait and see, it will happen.
