Remembering Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins | 60 Minutes Australia

Michael must have known my father pretty well, I would love to meet him and talk about things, perhaps he could convince me to fly to Mars, my theory will be proven wrong or right soon, if man get to Mars or not, I hope man gets there, but something is telling me, it cant happen with me on that first ship, but lets see if my theory is sound or not, from what I know is, the Creator will not allow human race to keep corrupting other planets than the one He put us on, its like allowing a virus to spread which higher powers wont allow to happen if something very extraordinary happens, but beside that, I wonder what the astronauts left on surface on the Moon, like writings like pictures perhaps Scriptures, they must have left something there, I am certain of it, and I also wonder what other beings they met there, I think there are much we are not told about, but Michael Collings know what went on there, he knows perfectly, anyways, may God keep him alive because I want to meet him.
