Roll the tape: What evangelicals are hearing from some pastors about Cov...

Denying science is denying God the One and only Creator because then you have denied what is (in) His creation that is visible and measurable, if you deny what is visible and measurable then you are walking blind and for these pastors who teach anything but this, they are the ones who are leading their sheeps into slaughter and eventually hellfire, and also, how can the name Jesus be so holy and powerful when the name of the man the son of virgin Mary was NOT Jesus, the name of the man was not this five letter name, if the man came back today and you would call him Jesus, he wouldnt recognize it, he wouldnt respond to it, of course he knows what you are talking about and referring to but he would say, this was not the name his Creator and his mother or anyone he knew called him, so why have you changed even his name, people in the west need to understand something with people from the east, names are sacred to us, we dont change anyones name not even our enemies names, the name we were born with is the name we will die with, it is enormously offensive to us for anyone to change our names to whatever they like, very offensive indeed !!! 
Let this be a good starting point to understanding Scriptures and interpreted what you are reading in order to understand the greater good, time is short wise up ! or dont it wont change anything.
I am not saying trust in governments, what I always have stated is that the Evil One has his tentacles in all aspects where power and influence is active, that includes in all organized religions too, like with your own religious leaders, and think about it, if you were the Evil One, wouldnt you before anyone else get into the head of these snakes that are at the head of ANY organized religions, thats what the Evil One did even before there were any organized governments, so dont think for a second that your organized religious have escaped this Evil One and this cult followers, if you do then you are one brainless fool, this is how things are now, deal with it, friends or no friends, trust in God and what He has presented in front of your eyes combine it what is hidden in you and logic and you will find the right path hopefully, good luck.
