Russia retaliates, tells 10 U.S. diplomats to go

Here is my thinking on relations with Russia, the first question is, for how long is this supposed to continue with hostilities, at some point it will come to an end, I know it will, even after a major war, at some time in history, everyone will start to get along and peace will be restored, so now that we have two nice presidents in both countries, why not right now start working towards that final goal before things get too hot to touch and from what I know its only Hell that will always remain hot, even the Sun will at some point cool down, lets not fail in all great opportunities God has provided us to establish peace between peoples of God because I fear if we continue neglecting all these blessings such as like life itself the greatest gift of all I fear God will start shake up things and then there will be not many left to tell the tale, I think we should start being thankful for the time granted us to do all these things we were supposed to do, anyone with knowledge of Scriptures have been made aware that God grants some of us great power and authority as a test to see what we will do with it, and those who fail will have the greatest chastisements in Hell thereafter, God put the hardest tribulations to those who have more rather than those who have not in this life, its something to reflect on for those who are God fearing, I think this is one of those opportunities that should not be over looked, start small, but start with something ! good luck.
