Small Florida community aims for energy independence by harnessing the p...

Good intentions but what a waste of good recourses, and here is why, and I know why because I live of the sun and the winds for my electric needs and its working, why I say its a waste of good recourses is the fact that, half of the electricity generated is going to waste because of the distance it has to travel to get into your homes, you lose half of it, if not more, the ONLY time its worth the effort to put up solar panels or a wind generator is if the panels are as close to your own homes as possible, rather on the roof, even if you install your panels fifty yards or less from where you intent to use that electricity you would still have lose a third of the amps, in a boat like mine, we learn very quickly to do things in the most efficient way from absolutely minimizing the cableing, to have the batteries as close to each other, to have the cables from the panels to the batteries to the inverter and basically everything else as close to each other component as possible, or you will lose amperages, with a meter of cable too long you lose a volt or so, so everything has to be built like a small package, and these solar farms are so wasteful its not really worth it, and the good land being occupied to set up all these panels, so wasteful, when you should have used the free space on your own roofs put up the panels, just so you know, even the power stations anywhere, before the electricity reaches your home more than half of it has been lost, its that much, so if you want to go truly green you need to generate it right there where you are going to use or store it in batteries, its the only good way, so I wouldnt encourage more of these farms to be built, its just such a waste, look I am one person, I have four 200 watts solar and a wind turbine with shitty new AGM batteries, ten 100 amps each, ON WATER ! and it does the job for me, with my tv and laptop on day and night, my refrigerator on, every royal need a refrigerator naturally ;) and I have my LED lights more than one need, its actually nice here at nights :) and I do it all on water, on land it wouldn have been more efficient and also if I had lithium batteries, and I think it cost me three grand to set it up, if I lived in a house, for a whole family it wouldnt cost more than 10 grand, at tops, I mean absolutely not more than then grand, less than that actually, so you see its NOT expensive or too difficult to go fully green, the grand and you are off grid with the free space you already own, so what are you waiting for ?? go green, just make sure you clean your panels every other day, do it with a piece of clean cloth, dont be wasteful with water, cloth does even a better job, and you should diffidently not use any chemicals to wash your panels with, harms the soil and nature !! just wipe them off every other day and that will do it, make sure it shines, no dust particles, thats it and it will generate what you need, good luck.
I even charge my E Bike my electric outboard engine, its great :):)
