The Apostle Paul was the anti-christ according to the first Christians

A small correction of what I said yesterday about Paul, he never net (the) Antichrist, in my view he (was) an antichrist and he must have met the Devil himself or other minor devils telling him to contradict the real Christ, I will make the same point I made yesterday, some of you Christian friends claim Jesus was God, and according to all our collective understanding of the Creator is that when He state something, He is flawless and never changes His mind, and some of you friends believe Jesus is the Creator, from your own texts we read him stating one law like the ones you heard in this video where Jesus clearly stated he is to confirm the Torah and its laws which he and all those who knew him also observed, then here comes this criminal this mass murdera this bounty hunter, and there is nothing worse than a bounty hunter, bounty hunters are not men of any law, they are lawless thugs, and her comes this Paul the most anti followers of the Christ and without any evidence not one single man to back up what he claimed, he was walking alone in the desert and claimed God came to him and told him to go against everything He had sent down to His people and contradict everything, and this is what you Christian friends are basing over half of the New Testament on, (on one mans statements) you disregard what Jesus said and did and his disciples and quote this man hunter Paul in your churches and lectures, this is the reality in all churches today, and also this concept of the trinity also is an invention of Paul, this pegan manhunter, who all followers of Jesus opposed back then, because what he was preaching shared no resemblance with what Jesus stated and acted as, in the Scriptures we are told there have been many antichrists, and no doubt Paul was one of those who were against the Christ, and he died ina  humiliating death for babbling too much with his big mouth, Paul wasnt martyred, he died in humiliation an undignified death.
Dont follow people like Paul the Manhunter, follow the Christ teachings and his apostles, disregard the rest because its from an antichrist.  
