The Kabbalah Behind Reincarnation Explained

What you are hearing has absolutely nothing to do with the Torah, just keep that in mind, and also if rocks and stones have souls what happens when a rock breaks into several pieces, are they all of the sudden become many souls in each smaller stones ?? this is lunacy.
As I said, the Talmud has absolutely nothing to do with what it is written in the Torah, the Talmud is NOT from God, far from it, the Talmud is always contradicting the Torah, you should never ever go to the Talmud to get commentaries about the Torah, use your own brains because things written in the Torah does NOT need anyone elses commentaries to understand better, the Talmud will only confuse you further, this is the purpose of the Talmud, to distort things, its like Paul, which most of the New Testament is based on, and not the Gospels, because here comes Paul 30 years after the Christ left, here comes this man hunter this bounty hunter this killer of man Paul on his own by himself with no evidence claiming the Christ came to him and contradicted everything the Christ had said and done before, and I want my Christian friends to understand something here, you claim Jesus was God, my question is, why would God all wise all knowing in the shape of Jesus at one time when he walked this earth say do and preach one thing, then 33 years later come do this killer Paul and contradict himself with new messages, you really believe the actual Creator have ever contradicted Himself by at one time teaching one thing and later change it to something else entirely, wise up friends, Paul never met the Christ, it was something else, even the brother of the Christ and others close to him opposed Paul for changing the facts, I am telling you friends, Paul never met the real Christ, he met the Antichrist, because only the Antichrist would contradict the real Christ with new arguments that makes life easier for one here to follow the ways of the actual Christ, and that is what Paul did, made things easier for you, so I do understand why so many of you find these new ways of life more compelling, because it takes responsibility of your backs, this is what actually happened, go back to the Gospels and forget about what Paul said, there is where the truth is hidden, in the Gospels, and you need to be wiser than you think you are for interpreting what is stated in the Gosples too, its not easy I know but the first step it to forget everything out of Paul, it wont be easy but this is something you need to do if you want to get to the truth of the matter, good luck.
